About us

YUU CHIANG ENTERPRISE COMPANY is a company specialized in providing quality products, manufactured in modern lines, providing customers with the best quality products.

All the products are manufactured by us, the products are not only diversified in types, but also very reliable quality and competitive prices, our products always satisfy customers, for even the most difficult customers.

  • YUU CHIANG ENTERPRISE  only provide quality products with clear origin and materials in order to ensure that the production process according to advanced production line.
  • YUU CHIANG ENTERPRISE  with a team of enthusiastic and skilled consultants, we are dedicated to serving and advising clients until they choose the product that best suits their car, whether the customer makes a purchase decision or not.
  • YUU CHIANG ENTERPRISE  always give thoughtful service and the most reasonable policies in order that customers always feel satisfied when choosing to buy any product at our company because we always expect customers to trust in us, they always feel that we are a reliable supplier and they will definitely come back for buying goods more and more.


Understand that once customers have the confidence to choose to buy any product, they always want the value of the product to match their expectations. Because of this, our company always wants to bring to customers the most valuable products, the best products and the best services.


YUU CHIANG ENTERPRISE wishing to become the address to provide automotive interior products to make customers the most trust. We will distribute to customers the best quality products.


YUU CHIANG ENTERPRISE will contribute to providing the best products, meeting international standards, helping car users to recognize and experience top quality products

Core values

"Honest - Enthusiastic - always put the interests of customers on the top" this is the very important values that the company is looking forward to and will always be the basis for pursuit and development.